Mindfulness in Plain English: 20th Anniversary Edition [Kindle Edition] Author:
226 pages (Contains Real Page Numbers) 
Get your Kindle here | Language: English | ISBN:
B003XF1LKW | Format: PDF, EPUB
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With over a quarter of a million copies sold, Mindfulness in Plain English is one of the most influential books in the burgeoning field of mindfulness and a timeless classic introduction to meditation. This is a book that people read, love, and give to everyone they know—a book that people talk about, write about, reflect on, and return to over and over again.
Direct download links available for Mindfulness in Plain English: 20th Anniversary Edition Free PDF
- File Size: 339 KB
- Print Length: 226 pages
- Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0861719069
- Publisher: Wisdom Publications; 20th Anniversary Edition edition (September 6, 2011)
- Language: English
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
- Lending: Not Enabled
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #6,630 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
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in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Religion & Spirituality > Buddhism > Theravada - #4
in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Alternative Medicine > Meditation
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in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Religion & Spirituality > Buddhism > Rituals & Practice - #1
in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Religion & Spirituality > Buddhism > Theravada - #4
in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Alternative Medicine > Meditation
Ever start reading a really cool looking
meditation book only to find that the picture on
the cover is the only thing that makes any sense?
Have you ever wondered why the author or
translator never bothers to tell you what those
weird words mean, "Samahadi...",
"Vipassana...", "Dukka..."
Have you finished a meditation book and
understood about half of what was talked about and
figured that half is better than none? (a very 'enlightened'
but often frustrating outcome
especially when these books aren't cheap)
This little known book seems to have addressed
and solved all those problems and more. It is a book
written for people who have no clue how to
start meditating and for those who have started, but
don't know where to look for the answers to
questions that come up during their practice.
The best thing about this book is in
its title,'plain English'.It seems to gently
lead one by the hand through the mystery and
confusion of meditation with a sense of humor
and patience rarely given to the subject.
I have been meditating for nine years now and
have built up a small library of books on the
subject. When friends ask me about meditation
I dig around in all the books with great
covers and reach for "Mindfullness In Plain
English" every time.
By A Customer
Sometimes when I pick up titles on meditation, yoga, or other practices associated with Eastern philosophy, mysticism or relgion, I am overcome with the author's inability to say what they mean in language that is useful to the rest of us. My relief was enormous, therefore, when a friend gave me this book by Venerable Henepola Gunaratana! This book is exactly what the title implies...easy to read and understand because it is not written in mystic hokum, rather it is written in plain english. The result is a manual for the beginning student of meditation that is sufficient to get you well on your way to benefitting from the practice of Insight Meditation.
In "Mindfulness" you will gain an understanding of what mindfullness is, how to cultivate it both during sitting practice and the rest of the time, tips on how to sit and how to overcome some of the most common distractions (including your feet going to sleep and your back hurting), and what to look for and what to avoid. I have not been practicing meditation for long, and this book was of enormous value in helping me identify the things I was doing that served as barriers to effective insight meditation, as well as giving me ideas on how to enhance the effectiveness of my meditation.
This is an extremely practical book for the western practitioner. It draws heavily upon the Buddhist paradigm, but the techniques for effective meditation cross all sect boundaries, and the beginning practitioner of any faith will find this book of enormous benefit. I would strongly encourage the reader to suppliment this book with "The Miracle of Mindfulness" by Thich Nhat Hahn. The two together are a delightfully easy to read but complete and well rounded introduction to the practices of Insight Meditation. If you want to know how but don't want to hire a Yogi to translate, this book is the place to start.
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