iOS 7 Programming Cookbook [Paperback] Author: Vandad Nahavandipoor | Language: English | ISBN:
1449372422 | Format: PDF, EPUB
iOS 7 Programming Cookbook Free PDFDirect download links available iOS 7 Programming Cookbook Free PDF from 4shared, mediafire, hotfile, and mirror link
Overcome the vexing issues you’re likely to face when creating apps for the iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. With new and thoroughly revised recipes in this updated cookbook, you’ll quickly learn the steps necessary to work with the iOS 7 SDK, including solutions for bringing real-world physics and movement to your apps with UIKit Dynamics APIs.
You’ll learn hundreds of techniques for storing and protecting data, sending and receiving notifications, enhancing and animating graphics, managing files and folders, and many other options. Each recipe includes sample code you can use right away.
- Create vibrant and lifelike user interfaces with UIKit Dynamics
- Use the Keychain to protect your app’s data
- Develop location-aware and multitasking-aware apps
- Work with iOS 7’s audio and video APIs
- Use Event Kit UI to manage calendars, dates, and events
- Take advantage of the accelerometer and the gyroscope
- Integrate iCloud into your apps
- Define the layout of UI elements with Auto Layout
- Get working examples for implementing gesture recognizers
- Retrieve and manipulate contacts and groups from the Address Book
- Determine a camera’s availability and access the Photo Library
Books with free ebook downloads available iOS 7 Programming Cookbook Free PDF
- Paperback: 1056 pages
- Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 1 edition (October 30, 2013)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1449372422
- ISBN-13: 978-1449372422
- Product Dimensions: 9.2 x 7.1 x 1.8 inches
- Shipping Weight: 3.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Pretty good book that can give you just about all you'll need to get started in iOS. Obviously, Vandad is an awesome developer, but I was looking for a book that focuses on new iOS 7 functionality. Unfortunately, the vast majority of content this book covers is focused primarily on existing functionality, showing a few ways to take advantage of some of the new iOS 7 features.
By infolock
It's a COOKBOOK, so only pick it up if you've already learnt objective-c and some basic steps for ios programming.
By An Le
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