SAS Certification Prep Guide: Advanced Programming for SAS 9, Third Edition: 3 [Kindle Edition] Author: SAS Institute | Language: English | ISBN:
B007RFE7B4 | Format: PDF, EPUB
SAS Certification Prep Guide: Advanced Programming for SAS 9, Third Edition: 3 Free PDF
Download electronic versions of selected books SAS Certification Prep Guide: Advanced Programming for SAS 9, Third Edition: 3 [Kindle Edition] Free PDF from mediafire, rapishare, and mirror link Prepares you to take the Advanced Programming for SAS 9 exam. Major topics include SQL processing with SAS, the SAS macro language, advanced SAS programming techniques, and optimizing SAS programs. You will also become familiar with the enhancements and new functionality that are available in SAS 9. Download latest books on mediafire and other links compilation SAS Certification Prep Guide: Advanced Programming for SAS 9, Third Edition: 3 [Kindle Edition] Free PDF
- File Size: 14283 KB
- Print Length: 1040 pages
- Publisher: SAS Institute; 3 edition (August 8, 2011)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- Language: English
- ASIN: B007RFE7B4
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
- Lending: Not Enabled
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #281,491 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Those contemplating purchasing SAS Certification Prep Guide: Advanced Programming for SAS 9 Third Edition in preparation for the exam should immediately dispel any notion that this text is a finely edited piece of work. One should anticipate spending additional time rereading, interpreting and testing text material that is not clearly or fully explained, void of examples or, in many cases, include syntax errors in the code, mismatched dataset pictures and occasional errors in the quiz questions/answers.
For example, a more obvious error occurs in Chapter 17 where the text describes how to specify a directive as format using DD-MMMYYYY as an example. However, the picture accompanying the explanation clearly shows a format output in DD-MMMYYY—only three characters for year. Sometime these errors are easy to identify and do not necessarily pose any great burden for the reader. On the other hand, the instances where sloppy editing make a difficult topic almost impossible to understand are infuriating, even more so once you realize the problem was not due to your ineptitude but an error in the text. This is especially true for chapters 13-24 where the incidence for errors dramatically increase. Furthermore, the last section, Chapter 19-24, ceases to use the example datasets provided online and used extensively in the first half of the book. This clear divergence in editing means that the reader must generate their own examples in order test and gain a clear understanding of the topics covered. Not to mention there is no explanation given as to why the book only includes 5 chapter quiz questions (as opposed to 10 each for Chapter 1-18) for the last section. This makes it difficult to clearly gauge ones comprehension of the material.
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