OMG. That's Paleo? [Kindle Edition] Author: Juli Bauer | Language: English | ISBN:
B00C9QHBYG | Format: PDF, EPUB
OMG. That's Paleo? Free PDF
You can download OMG. That's Paleo? [Kindle Edition] Free PDF from with Mediafire Link Download Link OMG. That's Paleo? features 30 new recipes never seen before on author Juli Bauer's blog,, as well as a selection of her best blog recipes. Sections include poultry, beef, pork, fish/seafood, slow cooker, sweet and savory breakfasts, baked goods, 5-ingredient meals, side dishes, snacks and desserts; and each recipe features a color photo. Juli also writes about the paleo diet in general and why it works for her, suggestions for keeping a kitchen well stocked, and recommended resources for further reading. And just like her blog, you can expect plenty of funny stories and awkward moments. Books with free ebook downloads available OMG. That's Paleo? Free PDF
- File Size: 6181 KB
- Print Length: 174 pages
- Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
- Publisher: Scribe Publishing Company (April 2, 2013)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- Language: English
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
- Lending: Enabled
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #99,132 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Like another two-star reviewer, I pre-ordered this book which I NEVER do, because it's so hard to know what you're getting. I have made a couple of Juli's recipes and loved them (particularly the banana bread), so I made an exception and pre-ordered and very much regret that I did.
The picture quality is horrendous--a majority of the images are oddly stretched or zoomed-in so it's hard to tell exactly what the final product will look like. The paper the book is printed on is really low quality and very thin. The writing, while definitely in Juli's regular style, seems like it should have been edited a little more for the book (and by editing I mean grammar and syntax, not word use).
The book contains one hundred recipes and only twenty-nine are new, so you can find more than two-thirds of the recipes on, with better pictures, for FREE. Go check out Juli's blog, it's funny and has lots of delicious recipes, and leave this book on the shelf.
By Penelope D.
I love Juli's blog and have made a ton of recipes from it. They've all been amazing, so I was super excited when I heard she was doing a cookbook and I pre-ordered it! Some of the recipes in the book are from her blog, so I made them before. In all (from the book), I've made and loved:
-Chicken basil meatloaf
-Cilantro chicken nuggets
-Pistachio pesto chicken pasta
-Aloo gobi
-Coconut ginger mushroom chicken
-Plantain and mango beef
-Brazilian curry chicken
-Chocolate banana breakfast bars
-Sweet curried cauliflower soup
I actually don't even totally follow Paleo eating- I just love the taste and ease of these recipes! The other day as we were eating the cilantro chicken nuggets for dinner, my picky husband said "Who IS this chic and where does she come up with these recipes?!". Yes, they are that good.
The ONLY reason gripe I have with this cookbook has nothing to do with the recipes but rather the material of the cookbook. The pages are pretty much plain paper and I already spilled water on it so some pages have gotten roughed up! If the pages were more durable and if it were spiral bound (like ALL cookbooks should be so you can easily prop it open), then it would be perfect!
Happy eating!
By L. Mitchell
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