Essentials of Negotiation [Paperback] Author: Bruce Barry | Language: English | ISBN:
0073530360 | Format: PDF, EPUB
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Essentials of Negotiation, 5e is a condensed version of the main text, Negotiation, Sixth Edition. It explores the major concepts and theories of the psychology of bargaining and negotiation, and the dynamics of interpersonal and inter-group conflict and its resolution. Twelve of the 20 chapters from the main text have been included in this edition, several chapters having been condensed for this volume. Those condensed chapters have shifted from a more research-oriented focus to a more fundamental focus on issues such as critical negotiation subprocesses, multiparty negotiations, and the influence of international and cross-cultural differences on the negotiation process.
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- Paperback: 304 pages
- Publisher: McGraw-Hill/Irwin; 5 edition (February 17, 2010)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0073530360
- ISBN-13: 978-0073530369
- Product Dimensions: 9 x 7.2 x 0.5 inches
- Shipping Weight: 1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
"Essentials of Negotiation" is the popular market version of "Negotiation," which is a texbook. This one is more of a handbook for actual negotiators. The advantages of "Essentials" is that it is streamlined (making it a better intro for beginners or refresher for experienced negotiators) and less expensive. It still includes all the major topics you want to see: distributive bargaining, integrative bargaining, psychology of negotiations (including some communications tactics), ethics, and some int'l stuff. It also has a good index, making it a nice reference tool.
While it has lots of stories and examples to help readers remember concepts, my favorite feature of this book is that the author doesn't talk down to his audience. Lewicki uses technical jargon when it is appropriate (he also explains it). That precision has value, in my opinion. People who are completely new to a study of negotiation might prefer "Getting Past No" by Ury, which is also very good but perhaps more accessible. Those with some, even minimal, experience would be well-served by this book.
Good luck!
By Amazon Customer
I have done my doctoral dissertation in negotiation and have read hundred of books and articles in this subject. "Essential of Negotiation" is the best general book dealing with negotiation. Great coverage of the subject. No doubt it is a great investment for practitioners and academics. You will not regret!
By Thierry Borloz
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