Sacred Economics: Money, Gift, and Society in the Age of Transition [Kindle Edition] Author: Charles Eisenstein | Language: English | ISBN:
B004ZZNNKU | Format: PDF, EPUB
Sacred Economics: Money, Gift, and Society in the Age of Transition Free PDF
Download books file now Sacred Economics: Money, Gift, and Society in the Age of Transition [Kindle Edition] Free PDF for everyone book mediafire, rapishare, and mirror link Sacred Economics traces the history of money from ancient gift economies to modern capitalism, revealing how the money system has contributed to alienation, competition, and scarcity, destroyed community, and necessitated endless growth. Today, these trends have reached their extreme—but in the wake of their collapse, we may find great opportunity to transition to a more connected, ecological, and sustainable way of being.
This book is about how the money system will have to change—and is already changing—to embody this transition. A broadly integrated synthesis of theory, policy, and practice, Sacred Economics explores avant-garde concepts of the New Economics, including negative-interest currencies, local currencies, resource-based economics, gift economies, and the restoration of the commons. Author Charles Eisenstein also considers the personal dimensions of this transition, speaking to those concerned with "right livelihood" and how to live according to their ideals in a world seemingly ruled by money. Tapping into a rich lineage of conventional and unconventional economic thought, Sacred Economics presents a vision that is original yet commonsense, radical yet gentle, and increasingly relevant as the crises of our civilization deepen.
About the Imprint:
EVOLVER EDITIONS promotes a new counterculture that recognizes humanity's visionary potential and takes tangible, pragmatic steps to realize it. EVOLVER EDITIONS explores the dynamics of personal, collective, and global change from a wide range of perspectives. EVOLVER EDITIONS is an imprint of North Atlantic Books and is produced in collaboration with Evolver, LLC.
From the Trade Paperback edition. Direct download links available for Sacred Economics: Money, Gift, and Society in the Age of Transition [Kindle Edition] Free PDF
- File Size: 749 KB
- Print Length: 498 pages
- Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1583943978
- Publisher: EVOLVER EDITIONS (July 12, 2011)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- Language: English
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
- Lending: Not Enabled
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #53,887 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
- #5
in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Economics > Environmental Economics - #12
in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Economics > Money & Monetary Policy - #13
in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Science > Environment > Conservation
- #5
in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Economics > Environmental Economics - #12
in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Economics > Money & Monetary Policy - #13
in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Science > Environment > Conservation
Sacred Economics is the second book in the new Evolver Editions imprint, following Jose Arguelles Manifesto for the Noosphere: The Next Stage in the Evolution of Human Consciousness. Other books in the first season include What Comes After Money?: Essays from Reality Sandwich on Transforming Currency and Community, The Secret Tradition of the Soul, The Four Global Truths: Awakening to the Peril and Promise of Our Times, The Electric Jesus: The Healing Journey of a Contemporary Gnostic, Star Sister: How I Changed My Name, Grew Wings , and Learned to Trust Intuition, and Nothing and Everything - The Influence of Buddhism on the American Avant Garde: 1942 - 1962.
I read a lot, and the one word that really describes this book is "integrative.
Charles Eisenstein's recent book, "Sacred Economics," is the book I've been waiting for. Finally, a brilliant scholar has produced a comprehensive and prescriptive vision for a future that promises to escape the dystopian path humanity is now embarked upon, although not without prompting my caveats.
Lucidly written, the first part of the book explains the increasingly dysfunctional workings of the grow-or-die financial economy in great (and often reiterative) detail. For some, this will be tough sledding because his analysis undercuts the Chicago School of Economics ideology that is constantly beaten into our brains by the mainstream media. The material he integrates is abstract with many independent variables.
He makes crystal clear what some of us have known for a long time about the roots of poverty, climate change, environmental destruction, wealth concentration, the erosion of democracy, and the destruction of the human spirit under corporate rule. He carefully and logically deconstructs the arguments put forward by the spokespeople for the present system.
More importantly, he combs the entire history of the world for ideas and practices that have shown us the way out of the traps set by a money system based on artificial, contrived scarcities and the theft of the commons. In Chapter 17 he puts all these together as a symbiotic interconnected program for a peaceful transition to a stable, sustainable economy in harmony with Nature. If you find the previous chapters to be preaching to the choir (the book is 469 pages long) go directly here and then backtrack to pick up the pieces.
But he doesn't stop here, and that's where I think he begins to get himself in trouble. He questions the "meta-Stories" that we tell ourselves about who we are.
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