The Daniel Cure: The Daniel Fast Way to Vibrant Health [Kindle Edition] Author: Susan Gregory | Language: English | ISBN:
B00BW2940C | Format: PDF, EPUB
The Daniel Cure: The Daniel Fast Way to Vibrant Health Free PDF
You can download The Daniel Cure: The Daniel Fast Way to Vibrant Health [Kindle Edition] Free PDF from mediafire, rapishare, and mirror link One of the most popular fasts in recent years has been the Daniel Fast, a 21-day period of prayer and fasting based on the Old Testament prophet's fasts recorded in Daniel 1 and Daniel 10.
The Daniel Fast is a partial fast, in which certain foods are restricted and others are consumed. This fast is similar to a 'purified' vegan diet; in addition to the exclusion of all animal products, no additives, preservatives, sweeteners, caffeine, alcohol, white flour, or processed foods are allowed. With the Daniel Fast people can eat as much Daniel-Fast-friendly food as they would like. Though most people begin the Daniel Fast for a spiritual purpose, many are amazed by the physical transformation that takes place. Many with high cholesterol experience a drop to healthy levels; people who have wrestled with weight issues are suddenly able to lose the pounds. The vast majority of participants following the Daniel Fast report a general sense of well-being and increased energy. Recent published scientific studies of the Daniel Fast have confirmed these findings, with additional benefits, such as a reduction in systemic inflammation, a reduction in blood pressure, and an improvement in antioxidant defenses.
The Daniel Cure will help readers take the next step by focusing on the health benefits of the Daniel Fast. By following the advice in this book, readers will convert the Daniel Fast from a once-a-year spiritual discipline into a new way of life that can begin any time of the year. In a nation suffering an epidemic of obesity and its resulting ills, The Daniel Cure may be just what the Great Physician ordered.
The Daniel Cure includes a 21-Day Daniel Cure Devotional, four chapters detailing the lifestyle diseases of obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and inflammation, eleven chapters of recipes and meal planning advice, a recipe index, complete nutritional guidance, and an appendix detailing 'The Science behind the Daniel Fast.' Download latest books on mediafire and other links compilation The Daniel Cure: The Daniel Fast Way to Vibrant Health [Kindle Edition] Free PDF
- File Size: 2077 KB
- Print Length: 224 pages
- Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 5 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
- Publisher: Zondervan (October 29, 2013)
- Sold by: HarperCollins Publishing
- Language: English
- ASIN: B00BW2940C
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
- Lending: Not Enabled
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #32,456 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
- #70
in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Special Diet > Healthy
- #70
in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Special Diet > Healthy
(Note: I changed stars due to Amazon's star system. For stars on Amazon means "I liked it") My review from Goodreads is below:
First of all let me explain what three stars means to me (and Goodreads): "I liked the book." Four stars would have been "really liked," and five stars would have been "it's amazing." I'm not a huge fan of the star system because what three stars means to me is entirely different than what it means to someone else. Often I have just given five stars because I hate giving anything less. So let me explain why I chose to give three stars this time…
The Daniel Cure is a truly wonderful book about taking the Daniel Fast--which has done amazing things in people's physical and spiritual health--and making it a lifestyle with a few modifications. The Daniel Cure allows consumption of minimally processed animal products, some natural sweeteners, and coffee/tea. It also has a couple of built in "cheat" meals. Overall, I believe this is the BEST approach to gaining a healthily lifestyle I have ever read. And there is no doubt that the Daniel Cure is both doable and highly successful. So, again, why would I give a book I clearly think is very good three stars? Here we go:
I was a bit disappointed with the "Your Body Matters" chapter. It is wonderful for anyone who is struggling with being overweight, and it helped me a bit too. I guess I was just expecting that those who struggle with all sorts of body image issues and not just those who struggle with overeating would be included--and I didn't feel they were. Still, that was not my reason for three stars.
My real issue with the book was the blanket statement that an animal based diet is "better" for you than a plant based diet. Why?
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