Wood Finishing 101: The Step-by-Step Guide Free PDFDownload electronic versions of selected books Wood Finishing 101: The Step-by-Step Guide [Kindle Edition] Free PDF for everyone book with Mediafire Link Download Link
Wood finishing doesn't have to be complicated or confusing. It can be "boiled down" to simple step-by-step instructions. And that's what this book offers; no science, no art, just easily-to-follow directions with lots of pictures to show you every step of the process.
Inside, you'll find specific instructions on how to finish common woods using widely-available finishing materialsthe kind of wood, stains and finish coats every home center, paint store or hardware store carries. Just match the wood to the final color and result you want. Then follow the step-by-step instructions and eliminate the guesswork.
Wood Finishing 101 is by Bob Flexner, who has been writing about and teaching wood finishing to hobbyists and professionals for over 20 years. Let Bob's years of experience guide you to beautiful results using his easy to understand directions.
Download latest books on mediafire and other links compilation Wood Finishing 101: The Step-by-Step Guide [Kindle Edition] Free PDF
Arrived timely better then expected. Exceptionally well written and illistrated. Multible methods discussed each finish has litterly step by step instructions. The author himself a master shares how he likes to hold sandpaper demonstrating the very basics to the repairing of finishes in an A,B,C how to tell what the finish is that your repairing. His way of teaching works great. His insight with practical knowlage woven with in the finishing lesson. Sutleties lacquer or shalac what's what even better how to mix your own finishes Wipe-on, brush, up to spray. 1) The best is he will teach you what situation is best for a specific finish. 2) just as important when NOT to use a finish. 3) Quick over view of finish with pros and cons. 4) set-up tools, supplies, allowing for you preference. Pictures(pix). 5) walk thru with pix. 6) Clean up. 7) what might have gone wrong how to tell 8) Fix for each wrong 9) each type of finish has shortcuts and there cost and best of all each categories fool prof finish. The detailed info is presented in an easy format. Best of all sections are written so you can put it down and pick it up without missing a beat. Of all the WW books this is a MUST HAVE for all finishers and WoodWorkers. You will make the finish then use it can't forget it.
By Tyy Daymon
Wood finishing isn't especially hard, but it's shrouded in deep mystery. This book takes the mystery out of it, and takes it from a black art to something that is labor intensive but easy to understand.
By Amazon Customer